no minimumfreephone
How does it all work?
  1. Get your quote
    • Enter books by ISBN into the “Get Quote” box
    • For books we are purchasing you will see “We are paying “X” for your book” at which time you have the option of "Accepting Offer" which will add the book to your “Buyback Cart”


  2. Checkout
    • When you are ready to “Checkout” we will collect some basic information from you that will be used to create your free shipping label and tell us how you would like to be paid.
  3. Shipping
    • After checkout you will be directed to an order confirmation page with a button to print your shipping label and instructions
    • Pack your books in a cardboard
      • Pack the books as tightly as possible
      • Use plenty of tape to make sure the shipping box is secure
  4. Paid
    • During check-out you have the option of getting paid by check or PayPal
    • Within 36 hours of your package arriving at the post office you will receive confirmation that your book was received and payment initiated (check or PayPal depending on payment method chosen during checkout)